A Step-By-Step Guide To Create An Employee Engagement Program in 2023

Squadsy Team
July 8, 2023

A Step-By-Step Guide To Create An Employee Engagement Program in 2023

Boost productivity and morale with our step-by-step guide to creating an employee engagement program. Maximize success with effective strategies and tools.

Imagine you're navigating an unfamiliar terrain in the pitch dark. Tricky, isn't it? That's how running an organization without an effective employee engagement program feels. Despite the proven benefits of increased productivity and job satisfaction, only 36% of the global workforce is genuinely engaged at work in 2023.

If your organization is ready to light the way and foster a motivated, engaged workforce, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll guide you, step-by-step, on how to create a robust employee engagement program, aligning it with your company's mission and your employees' needs.

What Is an Employee Engagement Plan or Program

In the parable of the blind men and the elephant, the men's different descriptions were based on the part of the elephant they touched. Similarly, an Employee Engagement Program can be likened to the 'elephant' in an organization, with different 'touchpoints' that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of its role.

In essence, an Employee Engagement Program is a holistic strategy aimed at ensuring every employee - regardless of their role or department - feels like an integral part of the organization. It's about ensuring that each employee, like the blind men in the parable, has a clear and complete understanding of their value within the bigger picture.

The primary objective of such a program? To build a workplace where every employee feels connected, valued, and motivated to contribute their best to the organizational 'elephant'. So, what are the different 'touchpoints' or components of an effective engagement program? 

  1. Visionary Leadership: Just as each blind man needed someone to help them understand the whole elephant, employees need leaders who can guide and inspire them.
  2. Open communication: This ensures every employee, like the blind men, have their perspectives heard and understood.
  3. Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledging each employee's unique contributions to the organizational 'elephant'.
  4. Development Opportunities: Providing chances for each employee to learn, grow, and touch new parts of the 'elephant'.

And, much like the blind men's understanding of the elephant depended on where they stood, engagement programs will vary across organizations. They are tailored to the company's unique structure, culture, and needs, ensuring every employee can contribute effectively to the organizational 'elephant'.

Things to Consider Before Planning an Employee Engagement Program for Your Organization

Before the men could attempt to understand the elephant, they first needed to grasp their own capabilities and recognize their limited perspective. Similarly, before you embark on your journey to plan an Employee Engagement Program, there are some crucial factors you must assess about your organization and its workforce.

Firstly, assess the readiness of your organization.

  1. Does your company culture support employee engagement?
  2. Is there buy-in from leadership to support and drive engagement initiatives?
  3. Do you have the necessary resources, such as time, budget, and personnel, to implement a comprehensive program?

Think of these as your ‘senses’ that will help you navigate your engagement journey.

Next, just like the blind men needed to understand the elephant, you need to understand your employees – who are the 'elephants' in this context. Consider their demographics, needs, expectations, and preferences. Are they looking for career growth, work-life balance, or perhaps, more recognition? Remember, each employee is like a different ‘part’ of the elephant, contributing to the whole in their unique way.

Finally, your Employee Engagement Program should align with your company's mission, vision, and values - the 'elephant' you want your organization to be. This alignment ensures your program is not just a standalone initiative, but rather, a fundamental part of your business strategy.

Remember, creating an effective engagement program is not about 'blindly' implementing popular trends. It's about understanding your organization's unique 'elephant' and how each employee contributes to it.

Step-by-Step Employee Engagement Program

Let's say the men decide to collaborate and share their understanding to get a comprehensive picture of the elephant. This would require careful planning, assessment, communication, and feedback.

Similarly, creating an effective Employee Engagement Program requires a strategic and methodical approach. Let's break down this process into five key steps.

Set overall objectives for the program:

Just as the blind men need a shared goal (understanding the elephant), your program needs clear objectives. Are you looking to boost employee morale, reduce turnover, increase productivity, or all of the above?

Defining success helps guide the program's direction. Both leadership and employees should be involved in this process, creating a shared understanding and commitment to the 'elephant' – the vision of your organization.

Evaluate the current state of employee engagement:

Before the blind men could share their findings, they had to explore the elephant first. Similarly, understanding your current engagement levels is crucial. Surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews can help gather this data. Analyze this information to identify engagement drivers - what's currently working, what's not, and why. 

Identify areas for improvement and develop an action plan:

With the understanding of the elephant and the discrepancies in their descriptions, the blind men could identify areas they need to explore further. Similarly, based on your evaluation, pinpoint areas that require improvement. Brainstorm initiatives and create an action plan. This should include setting timelines, assigning responsibilities, and prioritizing actions based on resources and impact.

Communicate the details of the program to employees:

The blind men need to communicate their findings effectively amongst each other. In the same way, transparency about the program's details is essential. Share the objectives, action plans, and how each employee's contribution matters. Use multiple channels of communication - emails, meetings, digital boards, etc. Encourage feedback and open discussions, ensuring everyone feels part of the 'elephant'.

Set up review and feedback systems:

As the blind men learned more about the elephant, they would need to share their new insights, continually refining their understanding. Similarly, your program needs a system for monitoring, feedback, and regular check-ins. This helps assess the program's effectiveness, make necessary revisions based on feedback, and celebrate wins. Remember, an effective program is not static but continually evolving, just like the blind men's understanding of the elephant.

Creating an Employee Engagement Program is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a tailored strategy, unique as your organization and its 'elephant'. By following these steps, you will be better equipped to create a program that encourages an engaged, satisfied, and high-performing workforce.

Key Takeaways

Much like the blind men deciphering the elephant, an Employee Engagement Program requires comprehensive understanding, open dialogue, and continuous feedback. Here are the essential lessons to carry with you:

  1. Tailored Approach: Like each blind man's unique perception of the elephant, your engagement program should be bespoke, tailored to your organization's unique needs and objectives.

  1. Open Communication: The blind men could only grasp the elephant's true form through open conversation. Likewise, your program's success hinges on two-way dialogue between leadership and employees.

  1. Continuous Feedback & Review: Just as the blind men needed to reassess their understanding, your engagement program requires regular feedback, review, and flexibility to evolve effectively.

Remember, crafting an Employee Engagement Program is like exploring your organization's 'elephant', ensuring it thrives in a dynamic corporate landscape.

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