5 Reasons Why You Should Improve Your Pre-Boarding in 2023

Squadsy Team
September 3, 2023

5 Reasons Why You Should Improve Your Pre-Boarding in 2023

Elevate your organization's onboarding game with these compelling reasons to enhance your pre-boarding process. Improve employee experiences in 2023

In a world where every touchpoint with potential employees counts, the period between accepting a job offer and the first day at work is more crucial than ever. Preboarding, once an overlooked step, now holds the key to setting the tone for a fruitful employer-employee relationship.

In this article, we'll highlight five compelling reasons why prioritizing your pre-boarding process in 2023 is not just beneficial, but essential. Dive in to explore the transformative impact of an enhanced pre-boarding experience.

Why You Should Improve Your Pre-Boarding Game: 5 Reasons

Reasons why you should improve your pre-boarding

Businesses are constantly adapting and evolving. But amidst all the changes and innovations, there's one element that's proving to be more crucial than ever: pre-boarding. It's not just a buzzword; it's a fundamental step that can set the stage for an employee's entire journey with a company.

So, why all the buzz around pre-boarding? Let's dive deeper and uncover the reasons that have catapulted pre-boarding to the forefront of modern recruitment and onboarding practices.

Reason 1: The Modern Job Market:

The job landscape of 2023 is unlike any we've seen before. With the rise of remote work, gig economies, and a greater emphasis on work-life balance, employees now have more choices and flexibility than ever. This shift has given them the upper hand, making it essential for employers to stand out from the very beginning.

Preboarding becomes a critical touchpoint in this context. It's the first real interaction a new hire has with the company after the interview process. A lackluster pre-boarding experience can lead to doubts, second thoughts, and even the risk of new hires entertaining other job offers. On the other hand, a well-executed pre-boarding process can solidify the employee's decision to join, ensuring they start their journey with enthusiasm and commitment.

Moreover, the modern job market has seen a concerning trend: new hires "ghosting" employers. This refers to employees accepting a job offer but never showing up on the first day or leaving shortly after without notice. A robust preboarding process can significantly reduce such occurrences by keeping the new hires engaged, informed, and excited about their upcoming role.

In the competitive job market of 2023, preboarding isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a necessity.

Reason 2: Boosting Employee Retention:

Employee turnover is a costly affair, both financially and operationally. Beyond the obvious recruitment costs, there's the lost productivity, the time spent training a new hire, and the potential negative impact on team morale. In 2023, with the job market's fluidity, retaining talent has become a top priority for businesses.

Enter preboarding. This crucial phase sets the stage for an employee's entire journey with the company. A positive pre-boarding experience can instill confidence in the new hire, assuring them that they've made the right choice. It's the company's opportunity to showcase its values, culture, and commitment to employee growth right from the start.

A study by the Brandon Hall Group found that organizations with a strong onboarding process, which includes preboarding, improve new hire retention by 82 percent and productivity by over 70 percent.

By investing in a comprehensive pre-boarding process, companies can significantly reduce the chances of new hires leaving within their initial months, thereby improving overall retention rates.

Furthermore, a well-structured pre-boarding experience can help new hires integrate faster, feel valued, and become productive members of the team sooner. When employees feel a sense of belonging and purpose from day one, they're more likely to be committed and loyal in the long run.

Reason 3: Faster Integration and Productivity:

The first few weeks of a new hire's journey are pivotal. It's during this time that they form perceptions about the company, their role, and their fit within the team. A seamless pre-boarding process can significantly expedite this integration phase, ensuring that new hires feel connected and aligned with the company's mission from the outset.

  • Shortened Learning Curve: By providing new hires with essential resources, training modules, and company insights before their official start date, companies can ensure that employees hit the ground running. This proactive approach reduces the time it takes for a new hire to become fully productive, benefiting both the employee and the organization.

  • Administrative Efficiency: One of the primary benefits of pre-boarding is the ability to tackle administrative tasks before the first day. Whether it's completing paperwork, setting up IT systems, or familiarizing oneself with company policies, addressing these tasks early on ensures that the new hire's first day is focused on meaningful interactions rather than mundane formalities.

  • Building Confidence: A well-structured pre-boarding experience can instill a sense of confidence in new hires. When they begin their role with a clear understanding of expectations, company culture, and available resources, they're more likely to take initiatives, ask questions, and contribute actively.

According to a report by Gallup, only 12% of employees believe their organization does a great job of onboarding new employees. This statistic underscores the vast potential for companies to differentiate themselves by enhancing their pre-boarding and onboarding processes.

Reason 4: Building a Strong Company Culture:

Company culture is the lifeblood of any organization. It defines how employees interact, make decisions, and view their roles within the larger company mission. Preboarding offers a unique opportunity to introduce and immerse new hires in the company culture even before they step into the office.

  • First Impressions Matter: The preboarding phase is the company's first chance to showcase its values, ethos, and work environment. By sharing stories, testimonials, and insights about the company's journey, new hires can get a genuine feel for the organization's culture.

  • Value Alignment: Introducing new hires to the company's core values, mission, and vision during pre-boarding ensures that they start their journey with a clear understanding of what the company stands for. This early alignment can foster a sense of belonging and purpose.

  • Diversity & Inclusion: In today's globalized world, diversity and inclusion are more important than ever. Preboarding is an ideal time to introduce new hires to the company's D&I initiatives, resources, and community groups. This not only showcases the company's commitment to inclusivity but also helps new hires find communities they can connect with.

  • Feedback Loop: Encouraging feedback during the pre-boarding phase can provide valuable insights into areas of improvement. Whether it's about the resources provided, the clarity of communication, or any other aspect, this feedback can help refine the pre-boarding process for future hires.

Company culture plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining top talent. In today's competitive job landscape, potential employees are not just looking for a paycheck, but also an environment where they feel aligned with the company's values, mission, and vision. 

Preboarding offers an invaluable opportunity to introduce new hires to the essence of the company's culture. By sharing insights, stories, and the ethos that drives the organization, companies can ensure that new hires begin their journey with a clear understanding and appreciation of the workplace culture they're stepping into.

Reason 5: Leveraging Technology for Preboarding:

The digital age has revolutionized the way companies operate, and the HR realm is no exception. With the plethora of tools and platforms available, enhancing the pre-boarding experience through technology has become not only feasible but also highly effective.

  • Personalized Experience: Modern pre-boarding platforms allow companies to tailor the experience for each new hire. Whether it's personalized training modules, interactive quizzes, or virtual office tours, technology can make the preboarding journey more engaging and relevant.

  • Efficient Communication: With tools like chatbots, AI-driven assistants, and dedicated pre-boarding apps, new hires can have their queries addressed in real-time. This ensures that they feel supported and informed throughout the process.

  • Digital Paperwork: One of the significant advantages of leveraging technology is the ability to handle administrative tasks digitally. From signing contracts to submitting personal details, new hires can complete all necessary formalities online, making the process seamless and efficient.

  • Integration with Other HR Systems: Modern pre-boarding platforms can integrate with other HR systems, ensuring that data flows smoothly across different stages of the employee lifecycle. This integration reduces manual work, minimizes errors, and ensures consistency.

  • Feedback and Analytics: Technology also enables companies to gather feedback from new hires and analyze their pre-boarding experience. This data-driven approach can provide insights into areas of improvement, ensuring that the pre-boarding process is continually refined.

The digital transformation of the workplace has brought forth a myriad of tools and platforms that can elevate the pre-boarding experience. By harnessing technology, companies can offer personalized onboarding journeys, streamline administrative tasks, and ensure consistent communication with new hires.

The ability to integrate these platforms with other HR systems further enhances efficiency, reducing manual work and ensuring a seamless transition for new employees. As the lines between technology and human interaction blur, it's evident that a tech-enhanced pre-boarding process is essential for a holistic and engaging new hire experience in today's digital age.


  • The Power of First Impressions: The period between accepting a job offer and the first day is pivotal. A strong pre-boarding process can set the tone for a positive and lasting employer-employee relationship.

  • Navigating the Modern Job Market: With the evolving dynamics of the job landscape, preboarding becomes essential in ensuring new hires feel confident in their decision and are less likely to entertain other offers.

  • Boosting Retention and Productivity: An effective pre-boarding experience can lead to higher employee retention rates and faster integration, saving companies both time and resources.

  • Cultural Resonance: Introducing new hires to the company's culture during pre-boarding ensures alignment with organizational values and fosters a sense of belonging.

  • Leveraging Digital Tools: The digital age offers a plethora of tools to enhance the pre-boarding experience, making it more engaging, personalized, and efficient.

As the corporate world continues to evolve in 2023, the emphasis on pre-boarding will only grow. Companies that recognize its value and invest in refining their pre-boarding processes will be better positioned to attract, integrate, and retain top talent.

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