How to Create an Onboarding Course for New Hires

Squadsy Team
June 19, 2023

How to Create an Onboarding Course for New Hires

Unlock the secret to an effective onboarding course! Turn new hires into engaged team players and simplify onboarding with our step-by-step guide.

The delight of securing a new hire can swiftly dissolve into dread at the thought of their onboarding process. Memories of fumbling through stacks of policy documents, chaotic training sessions, and new recruits feeling isolated echo loudly, don't they? These haphazard introductions often fail to immerse the fresh faces in the company culture or provide them a smooth transition.

What if there was a way to convert this stressful, confusing journey into an engaging, enlightening experience? One where new employees are not just told, but shown the path to blend into their roles seamlessly, understanding their responsibilities and the company's vision?

A well-structured onboarding course is the panacea to these struggles.  It not only eases the new hires into their roles but also boosts their productivity and retention rates.

Dive into this guide as we explore how to create an onboarding course that optimizes your new hires' experiences and shapes their moments that matter.

How to Create an Onboarding Course

Now let’s dissect the process of creating an effective onboarding course. We'll provide a roadmap, dividing the journey into manageable, clear steps that take you from understanding your goals and identifying your audience, to the all-important task of content gathering.

Let's step into the realm of creating those pivotal first experiences for your new hires.

Step 1: Define your Goals

The foundation of any effective onboarding course lies in clearly defined goals. What do you wish to achieve with this program? Perhaps you aim to acclimatize new hires to the company culture or quickly bring them up to speed with their responsibilities.

Maybe your goals encompass both, or go beyond, reaching out to inspire a sense of loyalty and commitment towards the company. Identifying these objectives early will guide the creation process, ensuring it aligns with the desired outcomes.

Step 2: Identify your Audience

Having set your goals, it's time to focus on the course's recipients - the new employees. Their needs, expectations, and existing knowledge play a critical role in shaping the course.

Are they fresh graduates or industry veterans? Does their role demand technical prowess or creative flair? The more you understand about them, the better you can tailor the course to resonate with their aspirations and fill knowledge gaps.

Step 3: Gather Content

Now, with clear goals and audience understanding in place, begin gathering content for the course. This information could range from the company's history, mission, and values to the nitty-gritty of their specific roles.

Don't overlook the elements that add a personal touch - the stories that shaped your company, your vision for the future, the role they play in it, and the moments that matter in creating an exceptional employee experience. The goal is to provide a comprehensive picture that blends the individual, the role, and the company into a cohesive narrative.

Step 4: Create a Learning Plan

With your content in hand, you now embark on structuring your onboarding course. A solid learning plan offers direction, logically sequencing information to make it digestible and engaging.

Start with an introduction to the company and its culture, followed by role-specific information. You might intersperse these with team introductions or casual interactions to break the ice. The goal is to create a roadmap that guides new hires from uncertainty to understanding, from being outsiders to integrated team members.

Step 5: Develop your Course Materials

This step brings your onboarding course to life. Whether through interactive presentations, engaging videos, or detailed documents, your course materials should facilitate effective learning. Don't shy away from harnessing technology to create immersive experiences, such as virtual tours or interactive role-playing simulations. Be sure to consider the preferred learning styles of your audience and include various formats to cater to all.

Step 6: Deliver your Course

Next, consider the mode of delivery that best suits your audience and content. This could be an online platform, in-person training, or a blend of both. An online learning platform can offer the flexibility of self-paced learning, while in-person sessions can foster interpersonal connections. Combining both can help you achieve a balanced and comprehensive onboarding experience.

Step 7: Evaluate your Course

After rolling out your onboarding course, don't forget to assess its effectiveness. Gather feedback from the new hires themselves, their supervisors, and mentors. Did the course meet its goals? Were the 'moments that matter' effectively captured? This evaluation process is integral for continuous improvement.

Remember, a successful onboarding course is not a one-time event, but an evolving program that adapts to the changing needs of the organization and its employees.

By following these steps, you are on your way to creating a remarkable onboarding course that delivers an enriching employee experience. The initial investment of time and resources will yield dividends in the form of empowered, motivated, and integrated new hires leaving them with an impression of your company being one of growth, support, and shared success.


Crafting an effective onboarding course is more than just a procedural task - it's an art that blends understanding, planning, creativity, and continuous improvement. A well-designed course not only delivers the necessary knowledge but also cultivates a sense of belonging, setting the stage for a fulfilling employee journey.

Remember to define your goals and identify your audience to ensure your course aligns with both the company's expectations and the new hires' needs. Gather meaningful content, create a logical learning plan, and bring it to life with engaging materials. Choose an effective delivery method and never forget to evaluate and iterate your course based on feedback.

Moreover, creating memorable "moments that matter" throughout the onboarding process can significantly enhance the employee experience, leading to improved satisfaction and retention.

With Employee Onboarding and Experience tools like Squadsy, designing and delivering an effective onboarding course is within your reach. Squadsy provides an intuitive platform to automate, customize, personalize, scale and manage your onboarding process, leaving no room for scattered emails, missing documents, or unmet expectations. 

Get in touch with us and our team will show how we can refine your onboarding process, and how it catalyzes new hires' transition from being a member of the workforce to becoming an integral part of your company's fabric.

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